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Scientists give elderly chronic neck pain sufferers new hope

Those suffering from chronic neck pain can alleviate the symptoms on the way to full recovery if they adopt optimal posture and spinal alignment, according to a study by the University of Sharjah scientists.

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Chiropractic provides the long-term recovery of patient with neurofibromatosis from severe headaches and neck pain.

In the study published February 8 in Chiropractic Journal of Australia, the official journal of the Australian Chiropractic Association, investigator provides evidence and highlights the value of chiropractic intervention in improving neuromuscular functions and resolving cervicogenic headache in a patient with neurofibromatosis, especially when the problems cannot be effectively solved by pharmacological or other conservative means.The study also found chiropractic may be a viable option as conservative management of musculoskeletal dysfunction resulting from neurofibromatosis.

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